多元化、公平委员会 & 包容
多元化、公平委员会 & 包容
- 詹妮弗·罗萨莱斯他是负责包容性的副总裁 & 参与学习, & 首席多元化官
- 尼基·扬布拉德·贾尔斯助理副总裁 & 学院副院长
- 冬青特德他是主管学术规划的院长 & 类建议
- Sofie Chu DeChristofaro, Center for Accessibility 资源 & Disability 服务 (CARDS) Student Representative
- Umbreen巴蒂, Director of the Athena Center for Leadership
- 亚历克斯·皮特曼, Associate Director of the Center for Engaged Pedagogy
- 市政官格里高利, CARDS Accommodations Coordinator
- Chanae霍奇, Executive Director of 金融援助
- 黛比·比彻, Associate Professor of Sociology
- Danielle-Hope卡布拉尔, Associate Director for Compliance and Investigations at CARES
- 朱利安Almonte, Psychologist and Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) Liason at Furman Counseling Center
- Joanna Broughton, Director of DevAR
- Jamiyla Chisholm, Director of Creative Content for Barnard Communications
- Steycie Louis, Student Government Association (SGA) Representative for Inclusive Initiatives
- 利亚姆·阿德勒, Director of Collections Strategy, Access, and 订婚 & Librarian for Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at BLAIS
- Aurelia Tan, SGA Vice President of 股本
- Jeff Owusu, Senior Advisor of 项目的机会, Access Barnard
- Kel Snow, Program Coordinator of Identity and 包容, Student 订婚 & 经验
- 伊丽莎白Ananat经济学教授
The following four principal responsibilities, drafted by the President’s Task Force on 多样性 in April 2017, 向多元化委员会负责, 股本, and 包容 with the following:
- Expanding the dialogue about diversity, 包容, and equity to include the entire Barnard community of students, 教师, 工作人员, 和女校友.
- Promoting and coordinating campus-wide participation in the College’s diversity and 包容 efforts.
- Managing and monitoring the implementation of recommendations from the 2017 President’s Task Force on 多样性 and 包容.
- 建议 Barnard’s senior leadership on ongoing and new initiatives that create a more diverse and inclusive campus community.
Expanding the dialogue about diversity, 包容, and equity: The Council will concentrate early efforts on input and outreach to the larger Barnard community. It is tasked with understanding how the College can best support all members of the campus community and promote the representativeness of the student body, 教师, 和工作人员. 从这里开始, the Council will develop strategies for communicating its findings to the broader community, along with providing timely information about relevant campus-wide activities.
Creating a structure for reviewing proposals from the community: The Council will articulate a structure, 时间轴, and 预算 for evaluating proposals for campus-wide initiatives for enhancing diversity and 包容 coming from students, 教师, 工作人员, 和女校友, including the criteria for accepting proposals, and the scale and timing of events on campus. Leveraging its reach to all community constituents, the Council will prioritize initiatives or proposals that reflect the desires of the Barnard community most broadly.
Organizing campus-wide events: The Council will develop a plan (including 时间轴, 预算, 潜在的扬声器, 主题, and structure) for two connected events to be organized each year, including an annual “Grace Lee Boggs Lecture” and a cultural event, that are accessible to all members of the community.
多样性、股票、 & 包含拨款
每年, 十大电竞游戏综合排名, 工作人员, and students are invited to submit proposals that will help foster 包容, 归属感, 以及我们社区的公平. Ideas may include speakers and performances; seminars and workshops; gatherings that bring together distinct constituencies for discussion and relationship building; as well as other programming and initiatives.